Will the defense establishment succeed in keeping war away in 2018? A defense round up

Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Liberman toured the Golan Heights and border with Syria with senior IDF commanders on July 25 Photo by Kobi Gideon / GPO

2018: Will the defense establishment succeed in preventing war?

In the past year, Israel’s defense establishment was successful in preventing the outbreak of war, large-scale security escalations, and frequent mass casualty terrorist attacks. In the coming year, the defense establishment will try to reach those same objectives, but it will face greater challenges in its path, as the region becomes more volatile and explosive.

Click here for my analysis of the security challenges 2018 could bring, and how the defense establishment will seek to engage them, while maintaining routine life for most Israeli citizens.

F-16 fighter jets at Uvda AFB

Commercial drones in enemy hands: A wake up call.

The appearance of commercial, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) represents a revolution in flight history. Unfortunately, it also represents a revolution in the ability of non-state terrorist groups and guerrilla forces to arm themselves with an accurate aerial weapon, and use it to attack its target of choice. So far, the world has been slow to respond.

Click here for an important analysis by the former commander of the Israel Air Force air defenses, Brigadier-General Shachar Shohat.

Israel and India: A massive river of weapons sales and technology transfer

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to India is occurring against the backdrop of a massive and still growing river of defense sales and technology transfers from Jerusalem to New Delhi. Israel’s defense industries have been supplying ever-increasing numbers of cutting-edge weapons and platforms to India’s military.

For more details, click here.